What Influences Soldier’s Intention and Attitude on the Information Security Policy Compliance?: A Case Study of One Signal Brigade Unit
Bora Kim (Research Professor, Barun ICT Research Center, Yonsei University)
Jihoon Shin (Republic of Korea Army Headquarters)
Beamsoo Kim (Professor, Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University)
With special interests in the military, this study examined what would influence soldier’s intention and attitude on their information security policy compliance (ISPC). Structural equation modeling analyses of 332 soldiers’ data showed that the ISPC intention was affected by subjective norms and ISPC attitude. Then, the ISPC attitude was affected by one’s perceived security safety or security vulnerability, intrinsic benefits, and the loyalty to the military. This study, unlike other technology-oriented studies, focuses on human resources. Thus, it can contribute to the development of future information security management strategies for soldiers.
Information security, policy compliance intention, policy compliance attitude, military organization, structural equation model
The Quarterly Journal of Defense Policy Studies, Vol.120, pp.7-46