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Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt Self-Determination Rights of Personal Medical Information


Factors Affecting the Intention to Adopt Self-Determination Rights of Personal Medical Information


Yunmo Koo (Barun ICT Research Center, Yonsei University)

Sungwoo Hong (Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University)

Beomsoo Kim (Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University)


With an extensive proliferation of information and communication technology, the volume and amount of digital information collected and utilized on the Internet have been increasing rapidly. Also on the rapid rise are side effects such as unintended breach of accumulated personal information and consequent invasion of personal privacy. Informational self-determination is rarely practiced, despite various states’ legal efforts to redress data subjects’ damage. Personal health information, in particular, is a subcategory of personal information where informational self-determination is hardly practiced enough. The observation is contrasted with the socio-economic inconvenience that may follow due to its sensitive nature containing individuals’ physical and health conditions. This research, therefore, reviews factors of self-determination on personal health information while referring to the protection motivation theory (PMT), the long-time framework to understand personal information protection. Empirical analysis of 200 data surveyed reveals threat-appraisal (perceived vulnerability and perceived severity of threats) and coping-appraisal (perceived response effectiveness), in addition to individual levels of concern regarding provided personal health information, influence self-determination to protect personal health information. The research proposes theoretical findings and practical suggestions along with reference for future research topics.


Personal Information Protection, Personal Medical Information, Concern of Personal Information Provision, Self-Determination Right of Personal Information, Protection Motivation Theory

Information Systems Review, Vol.20 No.1, pp.159-177


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